Parent support and child behaviour consultant
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Parent support and child behaviour consultant


Our Parent Support and Child Behaviour Consultant has 9 years experience working with children and families. She has primarily worked with children that have social, emotional, communication as well as behavioural challenges. She focuses on supporting parents with every day parenting challenges, supporting parents of special needs children as well as advocates for inclusive education.


Parenting Support:

Our Parent Support and Child Behaviour Consultant has focused on behaviour management for several years. She has found that once a child’s behavioural challenges are under control, parenting becomes a lot more enjoyable. This can be achieved through understanding your child, positive parenting, putting up boundaries as a parent and creating routines in the home that will help your child feel secure and able to grow in independence.


Areas of support may include:

  • What to expect as a first time parent
  • Baby sign language
  • Playing with your child
  • Toilet training
  • Helping your child to listen
  • House rules
  • Children’s chores
  • Positive parenting
  • Behaviour management


Special Needs Support:

There is often a team of people supporting each special needs child; with many of these children attending multiple therapies. At the Cape Town Therapy Hub we strive to support not only the child, but also the parents. Our Parent Support and Child Behavioural Consultant provides a supportive space for parents to discuss the challenges associated with parenting a special needs child, as well as helping them to understand and integrate all the information they are receiving from their child’ therapists. Our Parent Support and Child Behavioural Therapist aims at supporting parents in their journey with their special needs children, especially those that have children with communication barriers.


Our Parent Support and Child Behaviour Consultant has international and national experience with Autism as well as Down Syndrome. She has dedicated several years to truly trying to understand Autism and Down syndrome.


Areas of support may include:

  • Autism
  • Down syndrome
  • ADHD
  • Sensory Processing
  • Alternative communication strategies
  • Behaviour management
  • Early development
  • Au pair training and support
  • School guidance
  • Classroom strategies for the struggling child
  • Inclusive education strategies
  • IEDP and ISP assistance